
To vote or not to vote

"Ne pas savoir son signe chinois, ça se comprend. Ne pas avoir son ascendant, ça se comprend. Ne pas savoir sa palette de couleur ça se comprend aussi. Mais ne pas savoir son allégeance politique c’est inquiétant. " – Stéphane Laporte (la Presse)

We’re on the brink of the voting age and some of us don’t even know which party is ruling in Canada. You may think that it doesn’t concern you, but the Quebec government will increase your tuition by nearly 75% by the time you will be ready for University.

Politicians have agendas planned for voters and those who are politically active; which makes students and the elderly the sore losers in our democracy.

In our democratic system it’s when you don’t care that you’re hurt the most.


  1. hey jme sens pas visée hein!!!

    mais si on sait rien. alors ils vont en profiter. alors tant mieux pour eux. c'est pourquoi on doit devenir un d'eux.
