

So last week was the Iranian new year which is like christmas, new-year & Thanksgiving all combined into one, so yeah, it's kind of a huge deal for us.

For the first year since I can remember, I questioned the purpose of the festivities beyond its material benefits(more extensive than you would think).

I mean most of us rather use the term "Persian New Year" to evoke the grandiose imagery of a long lost people to overshadow the crap hole into which our country is right now. Civil uprising, pollution, radical Islam, destitution of women's rights, malnutrition and illiteracy in the rural areas and to top it all a legitimate threat of becoming the next target of a war on terror.

Then I think of my uncle back in Cali with his 150k pool who wont give in to buying a coffee machine just because he doesn't want to waste money when he can filtrate coffee manually.

My cousin who "hates" her parents because she didn't get the car she wanted.

And here I am literately trapped between two worlds of opposite cultures trying to adapt or get conquered.

Cursed by the pride my grandfather forced into me, toppled by MTV telling me to give in to my impulses for cash&hoes.

A tradition of new year, my father randomly opens me the book of Hafez, Iranien poet whose lines are used as prophetic message for doubts and worries.

"Seek that from idols, O knowing heart,
Said the one whose insights, his knowledge crowned.
My heart, like a compass, goes round and round,
I'm lost in that circle, with foot firmly on the ground."

Again forced back into status quo.


Genius marketing scam

Hunger Games par Suzanne Collins =

Brave New World Huxley+ Lord of the Flies Golding+ Fear Factor + du pain et des jeux + voyeurisme + Uglies Westerfield + mindfuck + Hollywood

Et sans oublier notre mantra : fame + beauty + wealth + genius + brains

It's sick (prononcer sick comme un skater de 14 ans "siiiiick"). Horribly awesome despite its hideous artwork cover.

Le livre provoquera probablement une traînée commerciale similaire à Twilight. Sinon plus parce qu'un des critères pour apprécier Hunger Games n'est pas d'être une femelle facilement séduite par un triangle amoureux ayant comme seul enjeu la chasteté.

March 23rd le film. Moi qui me pointe seulement au cinéma 1 fois par 2 ans pour voir la belle face sur écran géant de Paul Walker dans Fast and Furious.


One big room, full of bad...

Disclamer : Hustle, you will hate this.

À première vue : C'est quoi encore ce déchet auditif, faux rap à la Ke$ha avec un beat catchy qui cache mal leur intention de faire cette merde le prochain hit de MTV?

À deuxième vue : Les filles Kreayshawn et V-Nasty disent trop de gros mots pour être commerciales. "Oakland City Represent"? OK....Elles sont comme Yelawolf mais version vagins. Des blancs qui agissent comme des noirs. Yelawolf et ces soeurs ont ça en commun : une voix dépourvu de tout flow possible et ils "represent" des ghettos de white people comme s'ils venaient de La Prairie.

À troisième vue : Elles ont l'air de Kay mais beaucoup plus trashy.
Ah puis fuck it, j'aime la toune aux sons et paroles répétitifs.

C'est l'avénement des gangstresses.


Style vestimentaire bipolaire exposant 2

Moschino Dripping Chocolate bag circa 1991.

J'ai un vilain goût pour le luxe.


Time Out

This is probably my favourite album all genres combined.