
Trip Diary

1. Have you ever seen Vinny’s family in Jersey Shore? Well I have the Persian equivalent of that as family; loud, spacious and almost obnoxious. I even have an “Uncle Nino” who makes jokes that often cross the line in a civilized European setting (He told the bus driver to leave before his wife would come back and the driver wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not).

2. I don’t know what took me (maybe some of Alessandra’s bad influence on me), but I told my cousin who took a gazillion pictures every day that she was a weak person who was too afraid of missing “the moment” (something I do NOT recommend doing in a family reunion).

3. The Greek seem to have figured it all out, what’s the point of studying a lot for good grades and working your ass off for a bit of luxury when you can afford a small house in front of the turquoise water and only worry about your tan line?

4. If you think Montreal’s nightlife is crazy you haven’t seen Athens’ where the party people come out at 3 and are too badass to leave at dawn.

5. Athenians have mad streetart skills, on every metric space of the street stood an awesome work of art.

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAH loll non you CANT tell family stuff like that unless youre somewhat close to that person!
