
‘’Simplicité volontaire’’

I have two regrets in life:

1. Believing in such things as Santa Clause & the Tooth fairy or their Persian counterparts.

2. Believing in simple living (rough translation of the French term) applied in everyday-life.

And I blame my parents for both!

The former came to an abrupt stop when I immigrated to Canada and my parents weren’t sure which of the lies they should feed their impressionable son (Santa or the funky black dude? I still ask myself).

The latter made a deeper and stronger impact on me. Was it because I went from an upper class level to a near poverty state when moving to Canada? Maybe so. Ever since, I’ve been reluctant in believing the kinds of Amir Khadir and such who preach “Simplicité volontaire” from their multi-million dollar plateau house (wasn’t Marx a bourgeois?). All I’m saying is that the term is paradoxical and hypocritical for the vast majority; simple living is imposed by financial means and not by choice.